The modern lifestyle is notorious for its deleterious impact on human health. With new diseases wreaking havoc on the world every few years, he...
The modern lifestyle is notorious for its deleterious impact on human health. With new diseases wreaking havoc on the world every few years, health can no longer be ignored to be tended in old age. All age groups are equally vulnerable to the growing menace of diseases, most of them induced by an unhealthy lifestyle. A regular, full body general health checkup is one fine way to understand red flags in your health and serve as a preventive tool to help you address them before they degrade further.
Though the general checkup is only focused upon assessing current health status, experts may recommend extensive checkups too.
Based on family medical history, or current and former disease symptoms, doctors may recommend other tests too apart from the general checkups.
A comprehensive examination of your health comprises a number of diagnostic tests ranging from general health blood tests to hemogram tests, kft tests, cbc lft test and more. A routine health checkup involves the full examination of the functioning of a body's various organs.
More intensive health checkup packages also include TSH for thyroid, ultrasound, Hepaptitis B test, etc but these are not recommended for all.
The full body preventive health checkup helps improve the body's resilience against numerous diseases, hereditary or otherwise. Doctors recommend one full body checkup at least once a year in a healthy body and more frequent tests for the elderly and sick.
Regular body check ups helps in:
Avail the best health checkup services from the comfort of your home. Under the direct supervision of experts, professional consultations,guaranteed accuracy and honest prices, newmi offers the best full body checkups at home. Samples can be collected from your doorstep and patients can also download their reports online without having to run back and forth for reports and samples.
Do not compromise on quality of health or health checkups, choose the best package and avail the services from your house.
After all, health is the ultimate wealth.
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