Disclaimer : The validity of your 12 classes lasts for 40 days from the day of booking. Be sure to attend them within this timeframe.
Disclaimer : The validity of your 12 classes lasts for 40 days from the day of booking. Be sure to attend them within this timeframe.
Overall its been good experience, initially I was not sure whether Yoga would be feasible for me but after regularly attending the yoga sessions i am feeling positive and good too.Jun 27, 2024 12:27:23 PM
Had a normal delivery and did yoga till my last leg of pregnancy, great instructor.Jun 27, 2024 12:21:58 PM
Highly recommended Newmi Yoga classes, helped me with period pains and back pains.Jun 27, 2024 12:19:10 PM
Shweta Gupta mama has good knowledge about prenatal Yoga. She is kind and answers each individual's query. I was very skeptical about online yoga class. But she provided complete support and proper guidance through out the journey. It was really helpful.Jan 8, 2024 6:12:19 AM
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